Web development
So has web dev become it become blazingly fast ?
While keeping up with what is new within the web development space, I came to know a couple of new yet interesting things.
1. One of them being that there are many technologies that enable quick deployment, what do I mean?
Well there is ‘Vercel’ one of the easiest deployments that I have experienced so far. I know there are many types of web deployments like Vercel, AWS being one of the but I have not used them yet. While Vercel is straight forward and just a couple of click to deploy a website, all that is needed is to connect Github to the website and just selecting the repo that needs to be deployed. There needs to be some setting up with the npm or yarn deployment and the configuration of the .env file which can be found of in the settings of the ‘project’ that will be deployed. After those things are done it will build and deploy the project just as simple as that, but there is another really useful feature. That it will automatically rebuild and deploy from the Github to the web making CI and CD deployment really straightforward.
While there are a lot of other technologies like, Prisma, PlanetScale and Clerk that help make application development quicker.
2. While building applications on the web having a database is crucial well there is now serverless SQL which can be achieved with PlanetScale another technology that I came across not to long ago. Currently using Prisma with nextJS.
Learnt how to use Prima with NextJS app router, APIs. Since the framework can render the page on the server I tried to make some components into server side and came to a concussion that it works well with some but not as much as I would like it to. So at the moment I will keep it to a minimal.
3. NextAuth is a interesting library that give oauth as a package it has some setting up to do but besides that its really intuitive. Have used it with google and its nice that it locks down the application nicely. I have some troubles with the middleware and the lockdown of the application since I wanted to use a role based system for it but besides that I have not noticed any issues with it so far
4 As of now I have looked into the experimental sides of NextJS and looks at actions, and the server side compatibility that it offers. Its a very interesting concept more can be found here. The concept of off-siding components to the server so that the js bundle is smaller is interesting approach and will probably bring a lot of different functionality down the line.
5 Found a neat package called Shadcn which offers some really nice features, it allows the flexibility of the components, what do I mean well. Instead of just importing a component for a package it downloads the components into the components folder and from their its your ‘own’ component which is really nice. Thought it would be a good mention since its something that I have not seen.
6 Learning how to use the advantages of nextJS with their new next14 pre-rendering techniques and how to optimise the render times and speeds of webpages.